Club Contacts

Business Development Manager

Nikki Anderson

Mobile No: 07891 261015

Development Officer

Bert Grigg

Mobile No: 07584 132353

Duns RFC provides rugby opportunities for Adults and children from 3 years old all the way up to 18 years old. Our 1st XV are currently playing in East region division 1. 

Duns RFC run weekly sessions for boys and girls to be active in the game of rugby. This includes delivering sessions as part of the school curriculum and afterschool. Our SRU development officer does an amazing job organising all the fixtures and training from S1 to U18 as well as giving vital support to our well run mini rugby section.
Through a lot of hard work and fundraising we have been fortunate to move in to our new facilities in the last 4 years. This consists of new pitch, training area and fantastic new club rooms on the outskirts of the town. 

Other than getting children and adults active we look to provide a fun, safe, and inclusive environment for people to develop their own life skills that are transferable into the workplace. Developing communication, leadership, teamwork, and time keeping skills just to name a few.  We have great facilities which our members and local community use.